Papyrs Pricing Reviews Features Why

Google Sites Alternative​

If you're looking for a new Google Sites alternative, give Papyrs a try. Our inituitive page editor is specifically designed to create modern company intranets, team wikis, knowledge bases, internal portals or extranets. It's great for everything from text documents to visual dashboards. Secure by default, easy-to-use, dozens of widgets and great support. Works great stand-alone or together with Google Workplace (G Suite).

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Google Sites Alternative

Why Papyrs is a great Google Sites alternative?

What we think makes Papyrs better than other options is how flexible its pages and editor are. Many recent wiki tools for example mainly focus on writing documents/note-taking, but it's not something you could create a complete portal for your team in (with things like news posts, polls, forms, task lists, calendars and so on). On the other hand, editors for classic "website builders" (like the new Google Sites) aren't convenient for writing documentation, manuals, etc in.

The editor in Papyrs comes with many widgets, combining elements from intranet portals, wikis and knowledge bases, and gives it a modern spin so it's easy to use. That makes a Papyrs site an all-in-one platform for collaborating and organizing information. As a small example, we use it ourselves to collaborate internally on projects, but also for our public knowledge base and blog.

Another reason why Papyrs works great as a Google Sites alternative is its integration with many other platforms, such as Slack, Google Workspace (G Suite) and Zapier. Other features like subsites makes it a great choice for any organization, from small teams to companies with thousands of employees. Easily split up content by team, department, topic and create as many internal (sub)sites as you need, with easy-to-manage permission settings.

Last but not least, any business critical tool, especially when it's used daily by colleagues and clients should be actively supported. For us, this isn't simply a tool we throw in together a bunch of other products without much thought or active support. We've designed Papyrs specifically for the purpose of creating dependable internal wikis, company intranets and knowledge bases. We offer great support and companies around the world happily use Papyrs to power their portal sites.

Google Sites Alternative Page Example

Benefits of Papyrs as Google Sites alternative

Papyrs was specifically built so it can be used by non-IT people to build their own intranet site. It comes with a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor, and allows you to build pages by dragging and dropping widgets. There are some very important distinctions between a normal website, and an intranet site, i.e. a site where people in a company or organization can work together. That's why we didn't just design Papyrs as any website builder, but as an intranet site builder from the start:

Google Sites Alternative Integration

Google Sites Alternative Example

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Build better sites with a Google Sites alternative

Looking for an alternative to Google Sites with a better editor, more widgets, and something that's actively supported? Build a beautiful portal site with Papyrs. Modern, fast, flexible and easy-to-use.

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